It's the old trope all over again. If something goes right, that was god's will. If something goes wrong? God's will again. If something goes catastrophically wrong? One guess, gang. Good, bad, or indifferent, Yahweh gets the credit, BUT NEVER THE BLAME.

As Sam Harris said sometime back, "This is how you play tennis without the net."

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"We celebrate FAITH over FEAR." There's a difference between "fear" and "reasonable caution," chowderhead.

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I am surprised he didn't scream "It's the GAYZ' FAULT" à plein poumons.


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7 inches of snow? Positively biblical!! What next— a few dozen locusts?

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If they celebrate FAITH over FEAR, then why do they have insurance?

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If only it was 'idiot proofed'. That would have spared it.

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Awful people like Greg Locke have been using religion to exploit the gullible and the stupid for as long as we have had awful, stupid, and gullible people. That said, it's important to remember that as bad as preachers like Locke are, their enablers in the pews are just as bad. They're the ones paying to listen to him, and paying his bills. As more and more reasonable people put religion behind them, I expect congregations like Locke's to get even worse.

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God indeed works in mysterious ways. And sometimes not so mysterious.

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He didn't pray nearly hard enough. His god didn't hear him.

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“The LORD is using the storm and our tent damage to get glory unto Himself.”

Not all attention is glorification. What about your spiteful, hatefilled rhetoric brings glory onto God and Jesus? Just because you get to be on television over this, doesn’t mean you are bringing good attention to your cause, even if the television station is sympathetic to your ugly beliefs.

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It's amazing how the human mind can rationalize almost anything. Ignoring science and reason does have consequences.

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Greggy dear, this is what happens when you don't pay attention in science class- meteorology turns your theology into 𝘱𝘩𝘺𝘴𝘪𝘤𝘴.

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God, here, you know the real God, I flood New Orleans, but keep the French District dry. I burn California, but I burn the not the gay parts, but the conservative parts. Oklahoma, Nebraska and Iowa gets tornados every year. New York city hasn't had a destructive tornado in 15 years. Florida gets hit by Hurricanes every year and yet the gayest part, Key West, hasn't been hit by a hurricane in twelve years. And now, it's the second time I fucked up Greg's tent. And yet, these fuckers think I am punishing the Gays.

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"No worries @hemantmehta, the LORD will bless in a mighty way. Jesus is a restorer of hope. As much as you rejoice in the hardships of others . . ."

Locke is the one who rejoices in the hardship of others.

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I guess 7 inches of snow is probably a lot in Tennessee. Here in Wisconsin we consider it a light dusting, fair warning that the REAL bad weather is still coming.

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Locke has insurance? Then he's admitting that he has no faith in his god to come to his rescue and fix the damage. You know. The damage that his god caused in the first place.

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