Christo-facist Idiots getting upset when a first grade student gets reprimanded for using Jesus' holy name in vain is one of the most dumbest, twisted, whacked out things you've ever seen.

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Good point. The reactions are insane. No surprise there.

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Thanks for making the comment that first hit my brain. I'd just add that you'd think that they'd all have the 3rd Commandment clearly in mind, the way they want to erect 10 Commandments monuments on every bit of public space.

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"Now Johnny, show some respect. It's 'Jesus H. Christ' you little fucker."

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My favorite is the way Claire Frazier from Outlander says it. Jesus H Roosevelt Christ. I imagine her drawing out the oo depending on how frustrated she is.

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Decades ago, while I was working at a free clinic, the volunteer doc had to deal with a 5-year-old who had stepped on a nail and was in for a tetanus shot. He was screaming down the jammed, two-room clinic: "I don't want no fucking shot!" The doc grabbed the squirming kid, dangled him upside down by his bare foot, carried him into the tiny exam room, dumped him on the folding chair, held him down, gave him the shot, and told him, "OK, there's your goddamn, shitty, fucking shot." (Doctor Dave was never one to mince words. With anyone. I've taken a leaf out of his book ever since. Go, teachers, et al and do likewise.) Oh, and this was the state of medical care for poor folk, southern California, c1975. Also today, I daresay.

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Is this what we in Norway call "storm in a glass of water"? Used mainly when someone is treating something small as if it is an earthquake.

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A tempest in a teapot...

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A Donald in Leavenworth!

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OH NO, you're not sending that asshole to Kansas!! We don't want all the MAGAs here, we've got enough!

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We sure as shit don't want him in a federal prison, either. State prison for him.

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I invite all the regular posters to come up with their own alliterative phrases involving a D or T, and the name of a local state prison. :)

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Lots of correctional facilities starting with D, but I was looking for one with both D and T. No soap.

Maybe we should reopen a closed facility and incarcerate him there as the sole inmate. Nobody for him to play to. Could even put a big golden T on the building. Or maybe he should be housed in a juvenile facility. He certainly acts like a child.

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"Ten years in Leavenworth or eleven years in Twelveworth."


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You know, Gitmo is just sitting there, mostly unused.....

Oh, and there are plenty of Black sites with room. 😉

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I think this is the most poetic of the choices. Though French makes everything poetic sounding.

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Ah oui ? Putain d'ta reum à oilpé à Neuilly. Du con la joie. J'vais t'défoncer ta sale gueule de guenon.

Want me to continue ?

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Why did I ever ask ? 🤣

J'te pisse à la raie. J'vais t'en foutre de l'insulte. Va t'faire voir chez les Grecs.

By the way, most of theses I used to hear it at school. Vive les années 80.

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You would have been correct in French "Tempête dans un verre d'eau".

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The only French I ever learned is "I don't speak French ". And I have no idea how it is written in French.

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Now you know 🤣

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In the UK we say "storm in a teacup" (because of course we do). And yes, it is - child did something wrong, was told off, the end. Except some people like making a mountain out of a molehill (another fun phrase).

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Aha, storm in a teacup, I remember that from UK. That is what I was after. Thank you.

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So, these Christians are upset at 'thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain"? Take it up with Yahweh. It's your rule, not ours.

Frankly, they should be happy kids aren't allowed to do this. No doubt that if some 2nd grade Muslim or atheist kid was cursing "Jesus Christ!" in class, you'd be upset that they are allowed to do it rather than being upset that this kid isn't allowed.

𝐻𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑑𝑛’𝑡 𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑎 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔. 𝐻𝑒 𝑔𝑜𝑡 𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑜, 𝑠ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑒, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑎 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒. 𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑡𝑦𝑝𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑓𝑓 𝑓𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑠 𝑎 𝑘𝑖𝑑 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑑."

This IS a warning. This is what a warning looks like. And it's conservatives, not liberals, who keep insisting that the school must inform the parents about every single teacher-student interaction. This is also what THAT policy looks like. If you demand to know, in writing, every time the kid says "call me Susan" and the teacher says "okay," then you are going to be told, in writing, every time the kid curses in class.

What's more, it's entirely possible the teacher behaved exactly as you wanted. I.e. didn't write up the cursing...and you're getting this note because it's not the first time, but rather the second or third time it's happened.

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Conservative Christians are very quick to claim they are being persecuted, and there is no group who would be more inclined to persecute others given the chance. If the world wants to see what genuine persecution looks like, . . . hand power to the preachers.

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My dear old Dad, an agnostic and a navy sailor in two wars, would frequently say "Oh, for Christ's sake!" to express his exasperation at something absurd, and he'd say "Jesus H. Christ!" to express shock at something. I picked it up of course, but I managed to avoid saying it out loud at school.

If Dad heard about these pious, pearl-clutching prigs pretending persecution, he would definitely say "Oh, for Christ's sake! Hell's bells, they don't care about that kid at all. They're just using him to show off their goddamn holiness. Jesus."

I miss him.

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Jebus H these people are nucking futs.

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JFC! Enough with the persecution complex. If he said “fuck”, no one would be talking about this. The kid got appropriately reprimanded, that should be the end. No, idiot mom, this won’t follow him to the grave, but your FB post is forever. People don’t think.

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As.long as he used the word properly, there should be no problem.


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A multipurpose word indeed! 😂

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Jeebs be Jeebsing...

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So many snowflakes.

To the Christians of Southaven MS who were offended by this school's action: There are REAL things to direct your outrage towards. Homeless, hungry children, for instance. What does your Jesus (oops, brought his name into it) have to say about feeding, clothing and housing the poor?

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Reminding them of that throws off the flavor of their cherry pie.

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I'm now reminded of this...


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Not a pie person? 😉

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Not a cooked cherries person.

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Just to throw in another angle here - I have heard of some research (don't have the reference) that found that swearing when mildly frustrated/thwarted is actually cathartic and part of how a person processes and lets go of stuff and moves on. It's normal and it's good for us!

Mom could have coached son on more appropriate "curses" to use at school, such as "hot pot of coffee!#@!!" or "by the power of Greystoke@!##$!"

One of the funniest moments in my family was when my 5 year-old nephew was getting frustrated with something and said "Jesus Christ!" under his breath - we tried not to laugh. KIds say the darnedest things...

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I just finished "Swearing is Good for You." I recommend. But learning social rules about when and where it's appropriate is also a good and valuable skill, and one which 1st and 2nd graders can certainly learn.

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History of Swear Words discusses the usefulness of cursing when faced with pain. I agree with appropriate timing and circumstances.

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Good points; I'll have to look into that book.

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I disagree with these crazy Christians and with you. Adults swear when they are frustrated and it’s just words. In my mind nobody should be getting into trouble for petty bullshit like this and we certainly should not be punishing children (and this child was not punished so doesn’t apply here) for saying something in frustration that adults do all the time. Aren’t we supposed to model the behavior we want to see? Adults are such hypocrites sometimes.

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Christians get bent out of shape when folks use their savior’s name as a curse word, but then they are now having a shit fit over a kid getting in trouble for using their savior’s name as a curse word. Make it make sense.

The note is clear about the context of the exclamation, this kid isn’t praying or asking for guidance, he cursed out of frustration. This little write up will not follow him, well, it wouldn’t have had his mother not posted it for the world to see. It affects nothing in his school career, especially if he takes the critique and changes his behavior.

This is just another tooth in the outrage gears keeping the malleable idiots from noticing the GOP is destroying the country and completely ineffective at governance and completely morally corrupt and want to put the worst human being in the Oval Office. It’s just the next thing to keep the base in fight or flight, who knows what tomorrow will bring.

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An example of Fox News' version of "Bread and Circuses."

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I'm not even sure what to make of this. There are a thousand different ways to swear in the English language, and apparently, some are acceptable in a school setting and some are not. Also, for what I can tell, there was no fixed, well-defined school policy regarding swearing. As the woman said, she made it up. If the kid had said, "God damn!" or "Shit!" would there be the same reaction? Strikes me as likely.

Just as it strikes me that there is more than a slight degree of arbitrariness to this whole mess, and I see that as seriously problematic.

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Definitely manufactured outrage.

Or maybe just a desire for their 15 minutes of fame. My kid gets in trouble for cursing at school, I'm not going to splash it up on social media. But I can see some adults doing it for the attention.

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It’s amazing the amount of people that don’t stop to think of the ramifications but simply react. Mom, delete your post.

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Kid should have stuck with a simple "Fuck!"

"Jesus" is never the answer, lad.

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Since it is Mississippi, he could have gotten away with "Let's go, Brandon."

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"Hey, who does your lawn?"

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It's TMI for you.

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Wait, I forget what “lawn” is a euphemism for.

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Mais bien sur https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Twist_(film)

"It also refers to the shaving (or not) of pubic hair, a subtle joke in French alluding to the subject matter of the film.[2][3]"

Wrong, it's about "brouter le gazon" (eating grass). You are smart enough to find what it means by yourself 😁

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I remember in James Elllroy's The Big Nowhere where that's actually a combo (i.e., a character, in a fit of anger, says "Jesus F...k!").

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It probably wasn't in Mad Magazine but – some guy was in court and asked to swear on the Bible and he said "Jesus Fuck".

Edit: Possibly an old university capping magazine.

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Ok, I've read most of the comments so far. What a bunch of namby-pamby responses. The kid took the name of the Lord in vain. That put the whole neighborhood at risk of floods or tornadoes or locusts or some other plague from God's retribution. A talking to is not enough. I say he should be taken outside, tied to the flagpole and stoned. Angering God with careless words should have serious consequences.

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I really hope this is ironi - or however it is written in English.

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It's snark. 🙂

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In English it is spelled "s a r c a s m".

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