Dec 18, 2023·edited Dec 18, 2023

Based on their respective body counts in the Old Testament, I don't know why Satan ever got labeled as the bad guy in the first place. The God of the Old Testament is a blood-thirsty monster and the most disagreeable character in all of fiction. They try to pass off the God of the New Testament as kind and gentle, but is he? You sure don't see him stepping in to end any of the evil in the world, like Christian-on-Christian violence in the name of Christianity.

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There’s no student at the school with the name of the student trying to block the club? The petition claims Satanists have a history of persecution of Christians? This isn’t about religion? The Christians are on the right side? And the satanic club is about worshipping Satan?

Sounds pretty typical of the Christian side of things, misrepresent who is getting offended, lie about what the other side is saying, makeup history of persecution despite being the religion in power, pretend that it’s about right and wrong. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to their next steps, death threats, vandalism and outright violence.

No, there is no history of TST persecuting Christians, it’s the opposite in fact. The Satanic Panic was manufactured by Christian’s to give cover to their persecution of atheists and perfectly benign Satanists. You cannot claim everything that doesn’t promote your religion to be Satanist, then use that generalization to argue this group has persecuted you. Demanding that you follow the laws is not persecution, no matter how small it makes you feel.

But I’m sure the student could have just started a general science or service club without including Satan in the name and all this would go away. Except the AWAKE club would still be the only religious club in town, and no one would have to deal with the constitutional issues that causes. Ignore the lies and manipulation of the “good guys”.

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Dec 18, 2023·edited Dec 18, 2023

"This isn't about religion..."

What? WHAT!?! It's about nothing BUT religion. Why do supposedly moral Christians think nothing of bald-faced lying? Their own scripture tells them their deity detests lying lips.

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Dec 18, 2023·edited Dec 18, 2023

"Whether you believe in God, are a Christian, Catholic, Mormon, Hindu, Buddhist or even atheist you should see that ending this club is not just because it opposes Christianity but because what they stand for and the actions they will make are wrong and immoral."

But it's not an argument about religion and Christianity, right? Do you even listen to yourselves? When you finished with "This isn't an argument over religion and Christianity but of right and wrong" did you get whiplash when you typed that?

And who in hell made Christians the arbiters of morality and wright/wrong? Considering your history, you are the last people on Earth to be pointing fingers at others. Oh, and you really need to educate yourselves as to what atheism is and is not.

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“This isn’t an argument over religion and Christianity but of right and wrong.”

If you have to lie to make your point, you are not on the side of right. And this is absolutely about religion. Since everyone on your side is talking about worship of Satan and the club is about critical thinking and service projects. Maybe you are projecting the purpose of your totally not indoctrinating Jesus club onto this club and proving that the Satan club is sorely needed in the school.

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"“This deeply troubles me and many others in our community as we believe that schools should be places of education and growth, not platforms for satanic indoctrination or controversial practices,” the petition reads."

Educating kids is itself a controversial practice. Educating them well, teaching them to make their own decisions, even more so.

"Satanism has a strong history of persecution and violence towards the church and those who believe in God."

Citation sorely needed!

Especially in regards to the TST, of course, but really, I'd like to know what's they're drawing from in general.

I'm afraid I'll need to be reminded of all of the massive incidents of violence performed by All Those Evil Satanists. I'd really love to hear the, let's say, top five violent persecutions of the church or the faithful by Satanists, per the petition writer. (My bingo card has both TTRPG's and sabotaged Halloween candy spaces, but maybe I'm out of date.)

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I am going to start the "Let's Stone Unruly Kids Club." And let people decide if this is a club for pot smoking or if it is referring to Deuteronomy 21:18-21,... or Exodus 21:17,... or Proverbs 22:15 or... Proverbs 13:24, or... Leviticus 20:9, or ... Proverbs 30:17... Jesus Christ there are a lot of verse about beating you kids.

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I get the impression from white Evangelicals that they don't really believe their God is all powerful or in control at all.

If they did believe that, the use of a name would not send them into a panicked frenzy..

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I wish my house address number was 666. Then maybe the religious kookdom wouldn’t god-bother me.

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"Whether you believe in God, are a Christian, Catholic, Mormon, ..."

Note that "Christian" apparently doesn't include the other two, so they have to be mentioned separately.

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Dec 18, 2023·edited Dec 18, 2023

"This deeply troubles me and many others in our community as we believe schools should be places of education and growth..."

Oh, NOW you want your kids to learn and grow and not be subjected to indoctrination? Guess you won't mind if AWAKE disappears, then?

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The petition says "This deeply troubles me and many others in our community as we believe that schools should be places of education and growth, not platforms for satanic indoctrination or controversial practices,”.

So they are really believing that only xian indoctrination is allowed?

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OT: Apparently some twatwaffle on Twitler has discovered that I'm really Abaddon. Had to look that one up.

My Pagan friends are convinced I'm.an anthropomorphic personification of one of the Tricksters...Coyote, Ananzi, some such. They say it with respect and a bit of awe, so that's fine with me.

Not sure about that Abbadon thing, though. I mean locusts? Not really a fan. 🤔

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"Satanism has a strong history of persecution and violence towards the church and those who believe in God. " Satanism has never had the power to persecute 'the church'! (whatever that means)

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Dec 18, 2023·edited Dec 18, 2023

"Satanism has a strong history of persecution and violence towards the church and those who believe in God."


You are such liars. Satanism has ZERO history of persecution and violence towards your church and your fellow believers. Want to know who does? Your own brethren. You've been persecuting each other since very nearly the start. Don't like that inconvenient fact? Tough. It's recorded history. REAL history.

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"Satanism has a strong history of persecution and violence towards the church and those who believe in God."

Projection be thy name.

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