The fools like Mike Johnson who contend the founders did not mean to separate church and state always ignore Article VI of the Constitution that bans religious tests for holding public office in the United States. Article VI is a very strange thing to include in the foundational document of their new country if they actually wanted religion involved in government. Article VI also predates the Bill of Rights and that says a lot about the founder's intents. The mere fact Johnson is a young earth creationist identifies him as willfully ignorant. Mixing religion and government is the same terrible idea it has always been, and yet the religious right continues to see their particular brand of religion as the answer to every question.

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“legalizing same-sex marriage would soon lead to legalizing pedophilia and bestiality and culminate in the downfall of “the entire democratic system.”--Mike Johnson.”

Interesting? I thought pedophelia was already legal in the US; as practiced by evangelicals.

Didn’t Alabama almost elect Roy Moore as a senator and his champions claimed that “Mary had Jesus at 15, so it’s natural”?

Or how about the evangelicals supporting Josh Duggar after he raped his sister for years? Was Josh ever prosecuted for rape, which he and his family admitted to? No, he was prosecuted for child pornography, but the rape?

The hypocrisy is endless and knows no bounds when it comes to the religious right. After all, their anointed one is a thrice married man who cheated on all his wife’s. Yet, this is the false idol they gladly cling to for leadership.

Oh, and if anyone has any doubts where Thomas Jefferson and our founding father’s stood when it came to “a separation of church and state,” look no further than these quotes:

“Erecting the Wall of Separation Between Church and State is Absolutely Essential in a Free Society.”--Thomas Jefferson, 1808

“The purpose of separation of church and state is to keep forever from these shores the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe with blood for centuries.”---James Madison

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The TL;DR version of the above is both simple and obvious: Mike Johnson is DANGEROUS. He is dangerous to the office he holds, to the form of government we practice, and to the United States and its citizens as a whole. If he isn't a Dominionist, he walks, talks, and acts like one and should be treated as such.

I have no doubt but that the FFRF, American Atheists, and the American Humanist Association have had him in their sights since he was elevated to Speaker, and while they may never change his mind, they are in a position to remind him of the error of his ways and force correction. The true hell of it is, though, that Johnson may find himself shot down by his own party, for cooperating with Democrats on those continuing resolution bills to keep the government running. Keep in mind, that's what ruined Kevin McCarthy.

Thing is, if the Freedom Caucus decides to remove Johnson, who do they go to next?

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He won't be Speaker for long if he keeps making deals with the devi....... democrats. ; )

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Mike Johnson doesn't support or even understand church-state separation. Ironic, as it's people like him that demonstrate the need for it.

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I hope Mike Johnson is Mosses. Mike please lead all your followers into a desert, without cell reception, for forty years. We could all use of some rest from your bullcrap.

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Mike Johnson obviously had never taken a history or civics class that was taught by anyone who wasn’t a right wing loon? I learned about separation of church and state in elementary school. Oh, horror! It was a public school. Maybe that’s why.

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He claims homosexuality is unnatural (it is very natural, as the evidence has conclusively shown) and a "dangerous lifestyle" (religion, not homosexuality, is a lifestyle. A dangerous one, as recorded history shows).

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I said, what does God need with a Speaker anyway?


C'mon Bones, a crypto-nazi hayseed can't really be the choice of God...could he?

As time goes by I've noticed that certain actions and speech have become more common and frequent within spheres where it barely existed except as garnish or flourish. Now it's slowly hardening into action and deed. Eventually we'll all live in a Footloose town. Do we really want our children sneaking off to farms to dance?

It's a silly metaphor but it will happen. As laws and ordinances are handed down to curb or modify behaviors that certain people find distasteful or even immoral generate an immediate response to create a hidden subculture, a black market of ideas/acts. C'est-à-dire, this jackass is in the process of criminalizing life. All in the name of a story he happens to believe.

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I’d just like to know where his bank account is. That might tell us a lot.

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"He said legalizing same-sex marriage would soon lead to legalizing pedophilia"

How is it then marrying a minor predates same-sex marriage ?

And about "no successful civilisation before the 21th century has ever provided legal preferences for same-sex relationships"

The sacred band of Thebes an army of 150 gays couples. If it's not a legalised same-sex relationship what is ?

And what about them ? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khnumhotep_and_Niankhkhnum#:~:text=The%20tomb%20of%20Khnumhotep%20and,displayed%20embracing%20and%20holding%20hands.

For those unfamiliar with Ancient Egypt iconography, two people depicted with their noses touching is the equivalent of a French kiss.

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The billionaires are still demanding to know who John Galt is, and they will get their tax cuts if the GOP takes control. But their power is diminished. The rank and file have little time for any Atlas Shrugging. Their souls belong to Baptist Torquemada’s Gospel and Trump’s My Struggle [to Stay Out of Jail].

It’s like the GOP ship is sailing between the Scylla of theocracy and the Charybdis of blood and soil, but instead of avoiding either monster, Republicans are choosing which one they want to fuck more.

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If Marjorie Traitor-Greene has her way, he won’t be speaker for much longer. But then who would replace him?

Wisconsin is getting new maps, despite the state legislature’s whining and machinations. Hopefully, this will help in the House.

Any voter with half a brain should be voting against the GOP in the House and Senate, they haven’t done shit for the past year aside from infighting and hunting Hunter. Neither of which will ever go anywhere. Completely useless trash politicians, the worst the country has ever experienced. But we know the voters that show up leave their brains on top of their televisions playin Fox News all day.

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Follow the money. Religion is a grift. Evangelical Christianity is one of the most profitable. Find how Mike Johnson makes money from being a Christian and you’ll have your answer. I bet you he doesn’t believe half the tripe he says but I’m sure he makes money doing it.

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Jan 16·edited Jan 16

Marjorie Traitor Greene wants to see Moses Johnson banished to the wilderness. Were there any justice she'd be forced to accompany him on his 40-year exodus.

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Before anyone complains about the diversity in the first photo, and how there seems to be one kind of people pictured, I would like to say that there is incredible diversity there. You have morons, idiots, fools, dumb-fucks, shitheads, crazy assholes, the mentally incompetents, addlebrains, hairbrains, rattledbrains, scatteredbrains, the dumb-as-rocks, the glue sniffers, and the dropped on the head as babies. And that's just Lauren Boebert. There are more colors of stupidity represented in that single picture that there are colors in the rainbow. That and if you look closely in the background, there is a hand of a black man holding up a phone.

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