Mere freedom of religion is never enough for the evangelical true-believer. They tend to see anything less than being able to force their beliefs on others, as persecution. There is no group who would be quicker to persecute others given the power to do so.

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Remember They Know Better?

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This is the ego of the evangelical. They're going to preach or sing or whatever to the lord, and if you don't like it, you can lump it. I've heard similar stories of people, in one instance a woman, on a subway train, announcing: "I'm about to start preaching here," and going into a sermon full-tilt, with about as much consideration for the other passengers as the proverbial hole in the equally proverbial head. They are on a MISSION FROM GOD™, and manners simply aren't a part of the equation.

Frankly, she should have been removed from the flight, even if that meant delaying departure or returning to the gate ... but once again, Christian privilege ruled the day. Merde, alors.

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Did you happen to be in Paris between 15 and 18 years ago ? I let you imagine the glares and eyes rolls. It only happened to me this once but every one couldn't wait for her to shut the hell up.

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You reminded me of an anecdote from a David Sedaris book I read when he moved to Paris. He was on the metro and a couple who were obviously from the USA got on and the gentleman loudly proclaimed through the car how bad the frog next to him (David) smelled, and since David was American he understood every word, and he also knew English was understood by a lot of French people it was doubly stupid. David took offense because he didn’t, in fact, smell bad he washed daily and used plenty of deodorant. Anyway, it was amusing in his book. Pretty sure it was “Me Talk Pretty One Day.”

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Love him. I’ve read several of his books and have seen him live.

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I’ve seen him live twice. My favorite stories of his are about the flight attendants. They walk down the aisle with a trash bag and say, with a certain emphasis to particular travelers, “You’re trash. Your family’s trash.”

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That’s hilarious! I can’t remember if I’ve heard or read that one, but that tracks his style.

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My bride of 30some years and I have made it into an inside joke. When one of us is complaining about a relative, the other will intone, ‘You’re trash. Your family’s trash.” And that cheers us up.

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The question is: do they have a Miss Piggy?

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Could be. And the new Oldsmobiles could be in early this year, except that marque folded years ago.

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They were already at the gate. They had returned for a maintenance issue.

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Nov 14, 2023·edited Nov 14, 2023

She should have been removed; and her baggage allowed to remain on the flight. 😈

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Let her ride around and around on the luggage conveyer.

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Nov 14, 2023·edited Nov 14, 2023

𝑆ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑒𝑓𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑠 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 𝑏𝑦 𝑠𝑎𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠ℎ𝑒 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑔𝑜𝑡 𝑡𝑤𝑜 𝐺𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑚𝑦 𝑛𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠

You didn't win and you're sitting in coach. Conservative Jesus doesn't like losers.

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Oh that one's awesome!

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If it were up to me, I’d have the nominations withdrawn.

And preemptively withdrawn from future events.

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If she were a Muslim singing Muslim songs, people like Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer would be howling about her not being kicked off the plane.

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She'd have been arrested.

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You know, if I disobeyed a flight crew member, I'm pretty sure I'd get a talking to by the FBI upon landing or be escorted off the plane since they were still at the gate. I certainly am surprised Delta would reach out to *apologize* for a crew member doing his job.

I may need to write a letter to Delta to complain they should have had her removed from the plane for disobeying a crew member, per FAA regulations.

I definitely would have told her to shut up, most likely before she asked.

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Take a look at the optics, and think 'woke.' That's why nothing happened.

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Did they really reach out to her and apologize, or did she make that part up?

If I were that flight attendant who had to deal with her, I would be Pissed. As. Hell. if the powers that be apologized to that bitch because I was doing my job.

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So would I, but what do an employee's feelings matter in this country?

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I have sung on a plane before. But it was because the flight crew asked me to, not just to stroke my own ego. (The plane was stuck on the tarmac at Heathrow for four hours, the internet hadn't been invented yet, the flight crew had a planeful of bored cranky passengers, and they discovered that my entire college choir was onboard. They begged us for a concert to pass the time, and we obliged.)

Captain Cassidy calls this kind of stunt "masturbating with someone else's hands, without asking permission", and I agree. Storm's just using the passengers. And when our preachy singer gets made to stop, she can use that for public martyrbation and score herself some more cosmic brownie points with her invisible friend.

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The unmitigated gall of some people. No one wants to hear you sing on a flight, especially one that’s already being delayed. There’s this meme going around that says “you’re not obliged to believe but I am obliged to tell you about the gospel.” No you are not obliged to tell me shit. I don’t care if you believe it’s some catastrophe about to happen to me, it’s bullshit and I’ve heard it all before. This woman is doing the same thing, “god told me to sing, this is my mission from god.” No it isn’t. It is a full on breach of an entire plane load of people’s boundaries. You do not bring people to god this way, you drive people away from you for being an intolerable loudmouth.

Who thinks that if the entire plane shouted “NO!” to her push poll, she would listen to them? Obviously the silence wasn’t enough to convince her she was wrong, and emphatic no may not even get through. Silence should always be considered no in instances of consent, and the fact that so many people don’t understand this is really sad.

Flight attendants are already abused too much, your god bothering doesn’t help.

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Nov 14, 2023·edited Nov 14, 2023

If anyone feels religiously obliged to break the law or violate corporate policies, then they can feel that way. They just shouldn't be surprised if God's plan includes them going to jail or getting booted off their flight.

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I think the passengers were trying to be polite by remaining silent, hoping she would understand that their lack of verbal support meant shut the fuck up, and listen to the flight attendant.

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That is what I mean by silence is a no. She didn’t take that hint but I doubt she’d take the slap in the face either.

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Unfortunately, silence is often interpreted as assent.

There's even a Latin term for it: "Qui tacet consentire videtur" (he who is silent seems to consent). Ya gotta get loud with Christian schmucks like Storm.

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I think so too. If the rest of the passengers had joined in a resounding "shut the fuck up" she would have taken that as a sign that they needed her proselytizing more than ever.

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That’s how it is in their make-believe world.

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Lame. She’s not even filming herself with her phone. Can’t win a Grammy that way. This is not the 90s. Learn how to be an annoying self promoting jerk self in the 2020s.

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By being an “influencer” and paying in “exposure”?

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I mean if you’re going to annoy the people around you at least give them some social media screen time.

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She should have been disembarked for her disturbance. I saw videos where POC were asked to leave the plane for less than that.

"Others pointed out that Storm’s stunt never would have been tolerated—even for a moment—if she weren’t Christian."

Hemant it shows you aren't a woman who had to give up her seat because it was next to a haredim man 😏

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Oh, that's another scenario I'd cherish being a part of. I would not give up my seat because some stupid religion tells a man it ain't kosher.

I'd whip out my plastic bag (for dirty socks and such) and offer it. They will huddle in plastic bags when flying over graveyards. (the dead have a long reach, apparently)

But I would NOT, Hell no NEVER give up my seat that I paid for to some religious asshole extremist.

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I wouldn't either, and I would point out why I should obey the rules of a religion I am not part of.

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My feeling on that one is that if he has a problem sitting next to a woman, he should move.

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Just tell them that it is illegal to change seats once boarding starts, because when their God punishes their proselytizing by killing the entire plane, they use the seat roster to identify remains, and you for sure are not going to have your very expensive pre-paid Islamic burial plot desecrated by burying a Christian corpse in it.

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Nov 14, 2023·edited Nov 14, 2023

If I were on that plane, and she asked if it was OK for her to annoy me, I most likely would have said that she should sit down and shut up.

I would also remind her that her book of holy commandments says that she should obey the civil authorities, which the flight attendant is on the plane. That her holy book says to women that they should keep quiet in a religious setting and not presumeto have authority pver men.

I might even go so far as to ask my fellow passengers to laugh at her, loud and long.

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I have spoken with God many times and I can personally relate that the Grammys are considered a joke in Heaven. So sayeth the Laird!

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Laird is a scottish noble. You must be referring to the LARD.

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At least she has got the first deadly sin, pride, down.

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Charley Pride has actually won a Grammy.

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They were already back at the gate and should have made her get off the flight. I couldn't have stand it, I would have asked for another ticket for another flight at no extra charges for me and gotten off the plane, if she was not removed.

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Can her cousin, Stormy Damiels, also perform on the airplane? Asking for a friend.

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Only at a cruising altitude of a mile or higher.

And according to my wife, simply living at an altitude of a mile above sea level does not count.

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In a hundred years Denver will still be calling itself the mile-high city and everyone is going to be like, 'What's a mile?' The 1.6 km high city just doesn't sound as good.

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NeverMetric! Murika!

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We'll be on the Second Constitution by then, and the people who put it together are finally going to call this imperial system that even the empire that defined it doesn't use anymore needs to die.

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If she was promoting any other religion, she would've been considered a terrorist.

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There was the one time a teenager was removed because he was doing math homework on the plane and someone thought he was making terrorist plans since he was Arabic looking.

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OT: Google Images is actually calling that Godawful Bird App X, not Twitter, X/Twitter, or X formerly Twitter, but just X.

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A good reason to bring noise cancelling headphones on any flight.

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