So, if I'm interpreting this wordspooge correctly... in Pastor Butler's dream world, Christianity gets to fuck us all.

...yeah, that pretty much covers what it's been doing for almost the last two thousand years, and yet here we lie, unsatisfied. Jesus is even worse at this than Pastor Butler.

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Catholic nuns are called brides of Christ, but they have taken a vow of chastity, so Jesus will not find their Most Holy Place. :)

I challenge the pastor to explain why the Most Holy Place has more nerve endings than a man has, specifically for the purpose of experiencing pleasure.

Mark Twain thought women, not men, should have harems.

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No just the leaders when they pillage your money and other possessions.

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Without lube.

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Father, son, and the horny ghost.

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"horny ghost"

I've been slimed.

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Dude is clearly compensating. When someone tells you that the very best sex gift they can give you - nay, that God wants you to have! - is their ejaculate, it's because ejaculating is where their skill set ends.

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I can't have been the only one who immediately thought of this when I read that mess: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0he-LZNzVg0

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I didn't but I don't have the cultural reference.


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You've not seen Kubrick's "Dr. Strangelove?"

If you haven't, I can't explain it. :)

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The sad thing about about General Ripper is that his paranoid crazy needed to be lampooned in the 60s-70s, seemed to disappear through the 80s-2000s, but now is resurging so that we need to squash it again.

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Mar 3, 2023·edited Mar 3, 2023

I think I saw one Kubrick's movie, the one in an haunted hotel (Stephen King) 🤔

Am I pardoned if I like David Lynch movies ?

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I've never like the '80 (Kubrik) movie of "The Shining". I always felt Jack Nicholson was the wrong actor for the role of Jack. Nicholson was unable to portray the degeneration of Jack, he played the final stages quite well as usual, but he was unable to play the earlier stages.

Also, you've never seen "2001: A space odyssey"?

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I read the trilogy.

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"The Shining."

King says he hated Kubrick's take on his story.

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As I said above, so did I.

But I don't really like most of what I've seen by Kubrick.

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Mar 3, 2023·edited Mar 3, 2023

Sounds like Dr. Statham's birthday gift to Johanna Clore in Green Wing.

And, that was supposed to be satire!


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"When correctly viewed/Everything is lewd." --Tom Lehrer

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If it exists, there is porn of it. - Rule 34

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"I could tell you things about Peter Pan. And the Wizard of Oz, there's a dirty old man."

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The way he's been talking about sex here, I would not be surprised if this sick, perverted pastor ends up arrested and thrown in jail for sexually abusing a lot of women and girls, like so many other pastors have done.

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Or men and boys. *shrug*

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Here I am, having to ask AGAIN: Could ANYONE get the concept of sexual intimacy MORE WRONG-HEADED than Josh Butler has with this noise? There is a note of desperation in his attempts to get Jesus in this mess, one way or the other, and boy, does it show! Then, too, Butler is clearly one of those who thinks that Jesus has to be in EVERYTHING, without exception.

And once again, we see why, as Christopher Hitchens put it, Religion Poisons EVERYTHING.

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I am sure not even my mother, who has alzheimer, could get the consept of intimacy more wrong.

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And delivers nothing.

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Jesus.H̵e̵ ̵g̵e̵t̵s̵ ̵y̵o̵u̵.̵ He grabs you by the pussy.

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"They let you do it." --Donald J(esus) Trump

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not the first time I've heard this crap. George Weigel, the biographer of Pope John Paul, wrote an article about why little girls shouldn't be altar servers - because everyone in service on the altar should be male b/c only a male can disseminate his seed (the grace and the word of god) to the church. I'm paraphrasing cuz the article was from years ago, but it was the same idea. I think there have been too many priests disseminating..... just sayin.

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"Went into" and "went in to" do not mean the same thing!

The KJV uses the phrase "went in unto her," NOT "went into her." The former is a euphemism, much like "slept together." Literally, it means that he went in to be with her: he met her in her tent or room or whatever. You could go in unto the Lord (meet him in the tabernacle) without even the implication of sex. Maybe the implication is that they had sexual intercourse, but it doesn't say that explicitly.

Dear Pastor Butler,

When you misquote the Bible AND fail to understand grammatical usage, the result is not pretty. And you look like an idiot.

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Perhaps the reason that casual sex doesn't work for Christians is the guilt involved? Although to be fair many Christian leaders seem to get off on the guilt when they commit various types of fornication and adultery. A friend of mine from years ago allegedly had casual sex with a fundamentalist woman, who after the act, leapt out of bed got down on her knees – yes – and asked God for forgiveness. There's no accounting for tastes, and there's nowt so queer as folk.

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Okay, how does this work with all the biblical marriages with hundreds of wives and concubines?

Kinda makes the fact that there are thousands of sects of Christianity. If Jesus is like King Solomon, hundreds of wives, he goes into each church on their honeymoon and then gets to find a new one to go into. Inserting his seed inside the most holy place of thousands of churches.

Possibly the second most honest part of the metaphor, after leaving everyone unsatisfied.

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" leaving everyone unsatisfied."

There are no circuses in the bible.

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Don't forget the one where it's OK to have the husband killed. So much for not covet another man's wife.

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I am NOT going to be in my bunk. I am going to be as far away from my bunk as possible.

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One of your best columns, Hemant! (Glad it's here and not at OnlySky.)

Next up: Masturbation for Jesus: How the Lord wants you to practice for entering heaven.

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"Masturbation for Jesus: How the Lord wants you to practice for entering heaven."

Step 1. Get a stigmata.

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But... but... Every Sperm is Sacred!


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"her Most Holy Place" Huh? The English language is rich and varied. I don't know how many words/phrases I've heard to describe women's privates (not all of them particularly attractive, of course), but that one really takes the prize. I seem to remember Sigmund Freud having something to say about people who get cutesy about sex. "Jesus Christ, how uptight can you get?!" --S. Freud

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Mar 3, 2023·edited Mar 3, 2023

I remember vaguely – watching a documentary years ago where someone was giving advice about sex, and he said something about "polishing your pearl", which pretty much had me rolling in the aisles.

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His wife was named Pearl, maybe?

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With a straw hat for $1.98?

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debbile* pearl ?

* Débile = dumb.

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Here, "polishing the knob" means someone is performing oral sex on your penis. :)

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I thought that's what Aunt Clara did on Bewitched.

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I thought that was a hand job.

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Mar 3, 2023·edited Mar 3, 2023

Every reference I've seen says it's oral. :)

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There are references? No wonder conservatives are getting all upset about "woke" education.

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Christian apologist Josh McDowell thinks that the Internet is the greatest threat to Christianity.

He doesn't exactly give his god a vote of confidence by saying that.

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I should have said "her pearl". Makes a bit more sense that way. 😁

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His view of sex is like someone who would go to a theme park* and then sit on a bench instead of going on a ride.

*ark encounter excluded, sitting on a bench is more interesting.

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And more educational.

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Fundamentalist pastor writes an article about sex. Equally large amounts of hilarity and nausea ensue.

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Still slightly better than a catholic priest doing it.

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I think – as most of us would probably agree – that fundamentalism is a mental illness. Not confined to the US. I almost put unfortunately which would be a bit mean I think. Americans don't deserve them any more than we do.

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Any chance you could train a flock of kiwis to peck them to death? I'll happily chip in for the birdseed.

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Unfortunately, they eat worms on the whole. 😁

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Once again, Christian = Criminal.

It should be plainly obvious by now that Christianity is broken beyond repair.

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