Shields of Strength are opening themselves up for a lot of competition when SCOTUS allows this. May they be victims of the law of unintended consequences.

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We’re christstains, and we’ve been breaking the law for years. Allow us to continue. Let me reiterate, we’re christstains.

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The lawsuit sounds like the DoD is telling them to stop selling religious items. But they are specifically told to stop selling items with licensed DoD symbols without permission and associated with religious symbols.

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Have 'em try that with college sports logos. Hawkeyes, amongst others, defend their brand bigly.

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Disney would eviscerate them.

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No amount of praying will help the Hawks. I know. : )

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Not even Aztecs prayers ?

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I tried that in the Michigan game. It failed miserably. 42 to 3.

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Just think how bad it would have been if you hadn't.

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They should have tried some of that defense on the field.

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Aw, man! This article's been up for 7 hours. Way too late for me to respond (everything's been said).

Been experiencing computer troubles since yesterday. My ability to post is being severely compromised.

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See when you deny the gods, the petty SOBs decide to fuck up your whole weekend.

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I've not been having a good few days. We had a pipe burst in our apartment building on Wednesday that flooded everyone's apartments. I lost a lot of stuff. Damaged beyond repair or even replacement.

Thank goodness my router was undamaged. Unfortunately, my old laptop that I've had since 2012 finally up the ghost yesterday (malicious software that was installed without my knowledge and that I can't locate to uninstall).

Then I started having trouble logging in at Substack yesterday. I think I finally got that fixed, but now I'm left with only a library computer to stay in touch. Even when OnlySky debuts in January, my posting time is going to be cut from two four hour sessions to a single two hour one. I'll be late for every article and posting will be difficult. And when the holidays come and the library is closed, I'm SOL.

If something else goes wrong and I'm unable to do it, please inform the gang here what's going on with me.

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You don't have some sort of reset thing? I had something like that happen and I had to go back to a previous date or some damn thing – didn't really understand it -my son did it all. I lost a bit of stuff but kept the computer going. The other alternative might be a clean reinstall of windows? You might be able to get some knowledgeable young person to do that for you.

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Laptop is back for now. Not sure what I did to unclog things but I'll take what I can get.

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It's a backup, otherwise you may have to revert to the original settings and loose all your files not on a cloud or another device.

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Happy holidays! :/

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'Tis the season...

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Damn! Sorry to hear about the flooding of your apartment. Hugs, for what it's worth!

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Many thanks.

For what it's worth, my laptop seems to be back for the time being. Maybe in trying to fix the problem I lucked out.

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I am...or was...running Windows. Chrome's been out for me as a choice.

Like I said, this was an old laptop, one that I inherited while I was still homeless. I have no idea how long the guy before me had it. Frankly, I'm damned lucky it lasted as long as it did.

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If your luck improves, you might try Goodwill

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Dec 18, 2021
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Ever get the feeling the universe is out to get you sometimes? ;)

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Would it make you feel better if I told you that I had a big branch fall on my house and my kindle won't take a charge anymore?

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Can't you use the branch to kindle? ;)

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Damn, that doesn't sound any better! Hope everybody is ok, and the roof didn't take too much damage!

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Kindles have a nasty habit of that sort of thing – my kindle's charge has over the last year or so gone from 100% down to about 92 % or something. The decline seems steady and reasonably slow in my case, but I've heard of other people's kindles losing the ability to charge.

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I can't post photos but you know who would have been on it.

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Indeed. :)

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Can't you buy a tablet ? It should last until you have saved enough money for another laptop.

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Just saw a MSN news story about how Fox is reporting on this, it really is all about how they’re not allowed to make dog tags with religious themes anymore. Completely lying about what the issue really is. All the comments are about socialism and servicemembers should be able to have religion. God people are stupid.

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Trying to decide how to parse this.

God, people are stupid.

(God people) are stupid.

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Six of one…

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God people, are stupid. (You missed the comma there, just thought i'd point that out. ;) )

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ah shit... Zizzer beat me to it!

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The "First Liberty Institute" should really re-read the First Amendment, since they evidently aren't aware that the Free Exercise clause they've got their shorts in a twist over comes *after* the Establishment clause they couldn't care less about.

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They figure they can get that fixed with this SCOTUS.

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That was the whole point of this SCOTUS.

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OT : Aria is eating my celery soup O.O

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Bon appétit, chérie ! Aria et ma bien aimée Arwen, je crois que ce deux aurais étés un bon couple de potes.

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Depend if Arwen eat meat or not.

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If future archeologists one day dig around on my land and house in Bretagne, they will conclude that there was once a weird beef sacrificing tribe living there, because of the many, many bones she has buried there over the years. I was always amused observing her, when I brought her something nice from the butcher. She would walk up and down, left and right as long as she knew I was watching her. The moment I went into the house, I saw her disappear into the wood, to bury her bone because she didn't like them fresh, they had to age first for a while. Ah, putain, ca fait si long temps qu'ell est morte et ca me casse le coeur encore comme le premiere jour.

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Aria would have fight Arwen for the meat. One of the reasons why Rhapsodie and her went along so well is that Rhapsodie was a vegetarian.

Fidele, my first dog, died in 2001. I still mourn her.

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I'm gonna call PETA on you! Celery is disgusting.

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Ok, tastes are different, but I can't imagine a nice, steaming hot, beef/vegetables broth without celery.

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And how are you going to dig out the olives that fall to the bottom of the Bloody Mary at brunch? Soggy paper straw isn't going to do the trick.....

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Call away. 5 minutes with a whangry Aria and nobody will heard of them again 😝

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But they are doing it for jesus so that means they get to break the rules.

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Despite the outcry from certain quarters, this matter concerns neither religion nor religious freedom.

There is NO Defense Department regulation forbidding service personnel from adding tags bearing religious inscriptions to their regulation dog-tags, and no one is saying or suggesting that they may not.

There is also no suggestion that Shields of Strength may not manufacture and market such products to service personnel.

The ONLY area of contention is Shields of Strength’s adding copyrighted Armed Services logos on their products, which is prohibited Constitutionally and by statute. They may not be used for any sectarian or political purpose and that permission for any commercial use be obtained from the Department of Defense.

From Shields of Strength’s perspective, their calculation is likely that scriptural tags bearing Armed Services’ logos will sell better than tags without them; if so, for them, this, like every other ostensibly political issue, is not about religious freedom, but MONEY.

Far more insidious is certain politicians’ taking up the matter for purely political gain. Their even more cynical calculation is that most of those apt to find this a matter of some concern to them will not bother to look closely enough to realize or understand that this is about nothing more than money, and that these unscrupulous and dishonest politicians are using the trope of “religious freedom” as leverage to harvest the votes they need to attain and hold office.

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Dec 18, 2021Edited
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They’ll probably find for the religious company because Mikey Weinstein said something mean about them or some other bs excuse.

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