Parents don't have rights, they have responsibilities. Children have rights. They are not property for parents to do with as they wish.

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Try telling that to a conservative Christian. They believe the exact opposite.

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Damn, that is well said!

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Well, if they are not property, then why can I sell my daughter according to the bible? Checkmate, atheists!

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"It was then, Briscoe explained, that their daughter came to her senses."


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'Came to her senses' or find a nice cardboard box.

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And threats to end up in Hell.

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I just posted this on the other story today. I just found out about this in our school.

Our local Facebook page had a post from a moderator that they will not be approving a video of a special education student getting bullied in the bathroom (girls) because it further violates the victim. One of the idiot fools who is likely a moms for Hitler wannabe mentions the page can censor this but it’s too much to remove books she doesn’t find appropriate from the school library. Then others jump on board to go on to complain about kids these days lacking empathy. Like, the books they are trying to censor are stories of victims of bigotry, violence, and SA, but telling those stories are too adult for their pwecious wittle baybees. Nevermind the stories are actual events that happened to children of the same age. Whatever. But it’s the fucking point though, the empathy we’re missing here is delivered in these books, but the miserable twats screeching at the school board about CRT and LGBT books and their poor little poopsies feeling guilty about being white and wealthy but don’t understand why a teenager would record herself harassing a mentally challenged peer in the bathroom.

I’ve been told the perpetrator was suspended for bullying, which is good and I hope it’s enough. My daughter (same grade as both girls) mentioned that recording in the bathroom should get police attention (it should because it’s a whole other issue) and I thought that maybe she should, but I think at this age the least invasive treatment is probably best (I wish it was generally accepted for all kids but I know racism won’t let it happen). Anyway, I know which parents are looking to ban books by the behaviors of their kids. And sometimes I hate where I live. My oldest doesn’t tell me about kids who picked on them, but I know it happened despite them being well known for being one of the kindest and funniest kids ever. I hate that they had to experience shit like this and I hate that that poor girl had to endure that.

Sorry if I’m rambling, it is upsetting to see my community be so fucking callous and authoritarian.

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Another case of Christian mobs lashing out over something they don’t have all the facts about and just don’t like. So far they’re only calling for the counselor’s job and not violence, but let’s see how long that takes.

The text looks like she’s saying that if her mom attacks the school she might not like how it goes, not that she’s got some plan to get her mom fired. It isn’t a threat it is a description of what the mom is risking.

Anyway, I’m having a bad school incident day. Arrrrrggggghhh!

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This was a hard one to read through... I always think I've become accustomed to how shitty some Christian parents are and then I hear another story of these kinds of homophobic control-freaks. Fingers crossed the daughter is able to be who she is once she's an adult but in the meantime it really sucks for her. :(

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Yes, this case is messy, but it’s messy because the parents are right wing religious nut jobs. If they were calm and rational instead of bible thumping hair on fire. The one person who loses in all this is the v teen

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What does the dad's boyfriend say? 😉 (sarcasm)

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"The Briscoes couldn’t deal with it."

Understatement of the year.

Maybe they should consult their bible. I'm sure it says something about dealing with unruly teens.

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That's what they're aiming for,, but our laws aren't yet so far gone that you can stone a child, so they have to satisfy themselves by driving her to take her own life.

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Something about stoning or drowning, no doubt.

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So the parents believe that they should be told when their children say that they are afraid of them.

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Way OT, I would have thought that when a US Senator in a formal hearing challenges a witness to physical fight on the spot, that would be a resignation-worthy offense. Maybe it's just me being a blue-state elitist.

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George Santos still has his seat, Jim Jordan child molester enabler still has his, Boebert, MTG, practically the only crime not represented on the GOP side is murder, but that’s only a matter of time.

It’s part of their agenda to prove the government doesn’t work so they can replace it with their autocracy.

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The only crime we don't KNOW is not represented on the GOP side is murder.

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yeah we do. Trump murdered millions with covid.

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And he's been threatening millions more if he gets back in power.

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IOKIYAR No shame, no decorum, no sense of ethics or civility.

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And no gravitas. Don't forget gravitas.

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Republican Sen. Markwayne Mullin of Oklahoma challenged International Brotherhood of Teamsters president Sean O'Brien to a fistfight.

The story's all over the Internet.

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I hadn't heard the story when I commented, but I knew it was a Republican.

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Also, McCarthy nudged/ sucker punched* another Rep in the back.

*depends on who you believe

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They say this story is still exploding, so let's see how it all plays out once the dust settles and more is known.

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It's hard to know who to root for, the giant douchebag or the shit sandwich.

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A draw with a double KO.

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Technically it was a Turd sandwich, but just because CC wasn't willing to pay the fine that time, unlike the curse words episode.

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Why not neither? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Mullin has six children. What a proud example Daddy set for his kiddies today!

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An example of a 'real man' for his sons. (I'm assuming at least one child is male.)

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“Markwayne”. So he has the mass murderer’s middle name as part of his “Christian” name? Is his complete name Markwayne Wayne Mullin?

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With Ronda Rousey ?

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No. He'd have given her some comment about being in the kitchen making him a sammich.


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Bone Saw McGraw, aka American professional wrestler

"Macho Man" Randy Savage. The clip is from the first Spiderman movie.

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I was going to suggest a form of combat that involves mops and buckets full of urine. It's called "Stink Mop" and it comes from Mike Myers big screen bomb "The Love Guru." Decided I couldn't use the clip.

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Well, I think Markwayne showed he was a coward. Sure, he challenged a middle-aged man to a cage fight knowing full well that would never happen. That's the coward's way. If he were a true man, then he would have picked a fight with something bigger. He should challenge something that only a real man would challenge, like the sea. A real man of salt and dirt would challenge the sea to a cage fight. And it is really easy. Just have Markwaynebobbylee get in a cage, lock it and throw it into the sea. No one is allowed out of the cage until we have a winner. That is what a real manly man would do.

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My country should be on the list, I saw one instance back in the 90's of 2 deputés or senators starting to hit each other.

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Kentucky. Never fails. Funny how Gods whole thing is free will but so called christians just want control and conformity.

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only free will for them

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Well, to be fair YHVH did harden Pharaoh's heart, basically treating Ramesses II like a meat puppet. Not exactly free will for him. :)

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Yabbut only 2 or 3 times.

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TBF, I understand parents not wanting their underage child to have a live-in lover*. Forbidding her from seeing her girlfriend, on the other hand was a step too far. Forbidden fruit and all that. As far as her grades dropping and becoming moody, that could be because of her parents' treatment of her and her girlfriend.

* 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘎𝘦𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘦 𝘓𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘻 𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘸 did a story on arc that.

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That's where DM would deviate from these parents. She would prefer a live-in lover (condoms included) than the possibility I am doing unsafe sex.

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So did Rosanne in the 90s. How do you think David Healey came to live with them.

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I forgot about that; I haven't seen that show in decades.

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Bit of a crush on Johnny Galecki.

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I haven't been asked very often but the question occasionally comes up on Quora. What to do when you're gay and your parents are religious. I always tell them to pretend until they are financially independent. Particularly if they're American. It's the only sensible thing to do given the reaction of some parents.

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We know what's happening with Brylee, because that's being shouted from the rooftops, with her name prominently featured. What's the story on "Classmate", who sounded as if she was on the outs with her own family right from the start of this debacle? I doubt that she's sheltering with the Briscoes any longer, so what's the story? Is she out on the street now? That bit about teens under great emotional stress becoming suicidal is something that SOMEBODY needs to take seriously!

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https://www.thetrevorproject.org/ - The Trevor Project - LGBT Youth Suicide Prevention - 1-866-488-7386 - sms:678678

Charities for LGBT Homeless Youth:

https://www.dallashopecharities.org/programs/dallas-hope-center/ - Dallas Hope Center - Dallas, TX

https://www.thriveyouthcenter.org/ - Thrive Youth Center - San Antonio, TX

http://duneslgbtfoundation.org/ - Dune LGBT Foundation - Ft. Worth, TX

https://www.aliforneycenter.org/ - Ali Forney Center - New York City, NY

https://lalgbtcenter.org/social-service-and-housing/youth/homelessness - LA LGBT Center - Los Angeles, CA

https://www.ruthelliscenter.org/ - Ruth Ellis Center - Detroit, MI

https://larkinstreetyouth.org/ - Larkin Street Youth - San Francisco, CA

https://www.sfcenter.org/lgbt-san-francisco/homeless-lgbtq-youth/ - SF LGBT Center - San Francisco, CA

https://www.outyouth.org/ - Out Youth - Austin, TX

https://www.facebook.com/Thetransitionalcenter/ - The Transitional Support Center - El Paso, TX

https://truecolorsunited.org/ - True Colors United - National Advocacy organization

https://homelessgaykidshouston.org/ - Homeless Gay Kids Houston - Houston, TX

https://www.angelfire.com/folk/isis - ISIS from Youthcare - Seattle, WA

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These parents are using their religion as an excuse to psychologically torture their daughter. Love is a one way street with them. They love their daughter provided she's just exactly the person they want her to be. If you have nothing left to be thankful for, be thankful these people are not yet running the country. I can only hope this girl gets as far from her parents as she can, the minute she can.

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Well, from a straightforward Christian perspective, if they drive their daughter away because she sins, welp, that's just the way it has to be. Gotta love god more than your family - gotta save yourself.

After all, Christianity isn't about being a better person. Right?

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