Who the hell are you?

I'm Hemant Mehta (pronounced HEH-mint MEH-tuh). I’ve been writing about atheism, religion, politics since around 2006. My work has been cited in books and media outlets, and it takes up 98% of my waking life.

I graduated from the University of Illinois at Chicago with degrees in Mathematics and Biology and obtained my Masters in Math Education from DePaul University. I've worked with the Center For Inquiry and the Secular Coalition for America, and I’ve served as chair of the Secular Student Alliance and the Foundation Beyond Belief.

I previously wrote at Patheos and OnlySky.

Yeah, but what do you have to show for it?

I've written a few books!  I Sold My Soul on eBay (WaterBrook Press, 2007) documents my journey visiting Christian churches around the country. I once went on a TV show to promote it and the host accidentally said it was a bestseller. Which means it’s true.

The Young Atheist's Survival Guide (Patheos Press, 2012) is all about the struggles young atheists face and how all of us (parents, teachers, friends, etc.) can support them. Someone gave it a 1-star review on Amazon because it assumes "God's nonexistence." I did not find that review helpful. 

I also edited and published a book called Queer Disbelief, written by Camille Beredjick. It's all about the intersection of religion/atheism and LGBTQ rights. It's really, really informative. Really.

Meh. I don't read. What else you got? 

I create videos on YouTube. All of the videos have comments about the thickness of my eyebrows. My most popular video involve explaining every God-sanctioned death in the Bible. (Turns out He's VERY violent.)

In 2019, I began a weekly series in which I read every Bible chapter, line by line. I thought it would end after Genesis 1. Whoops. I’ve made a very big mistake.

I've also appeared on CNNFOX News, and several other media outlets to talk about religion. So far, no shouting matches. (Success!)

Meh. I don't watch things. What else you got? 

I have co-hosted the Friendly Atheist Podcast since 2014. It took a long time to come up with that name. Don't bother asking about the acronym.

That’s it? One podcast?

No! There's another one! In 2019, I published a lengthy four-part series on the history of the Pledge of Allegiance. It's part of a series called The Supreme Court vs. Church/State Separation.

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Look at this button. Just look at it.

Fine Print!

All payments are made and processed in dollars ($). Emails are sent most weekdays (though that can change). If there are any questions or concerns, please email Mpromptu@gmail.com. Cancellations will be taken care of immediately (though you can cancel your subscription on your own). Refunds will only be processed if I am unable to fulfill my obligations here. Your email address and data will not be used for any other offers or services.

Need to reach me via regular mail?

Hemant Mehta
c/o Friendly Atheist
P.O. Box 9734
Naperville, IL 60567

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Commentary about religion and politics, centered around atheism.


Editor at FriendlyAtheist.com. Writer. YouTuber. Podcaster. Mpromptu@gmail.com.