Super-Spreader Worship Concert Planned for National Mall
MAGA cultist pastor continues on his U.S. death tour.
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We are writing this just after the debate, so we feel obligated to inform you the only real mention of God may have been Joe Biden looking up and muttering to himself while Donald Trump spread a series of lies.
Right-wing propaganda outlet PragerU is targeting parents, teachers, and students of public schools with their new PragerU Resources for Educators and Parents (PREP) project. Despite the name, PragerU is not a University— rather a website that produces one-sided videos, usually on political/social topics, featuring conservative pundits, like Candace Owens, Dave Rubin, and Ben Shapiro.
Get a load of Jordan Peterson, who warns of neo-Marxist professors who dominate our colleges and universities in this comically-titled video “Dangerous People Are Teaching Your Kids.”
The use of this propaganda curriculum by teachers was brought to light after Huffington Post reported an Ohio public school where videos — with titles such as “Why the Right Was Right,” “Build the Wall” and “The Left Ruins Everything” — were being assigned for extra credit. At least one student and her mother have raised concerns about the assignment to the school administration.
Two maskless Christians representing a group called “Heath Freedom Idaho” were arrested as they tried to enter a Boise Central District Board meeting on Tuesday. Miste Karlfeldt, the executive director of Health Freedom Idaho, posted a live video of the arrests and remarked:
“We shouldn’t have to live our life with masks on our face,” “It’s really terrible for everyone to wear a mask, okay, so let’s just go there.”
She continued by saying there needs to be more than just medical or physical exemptions to wearing masks.
“Our face is the glory of the lord, we are made in his image,” she said. “We cannot just be relegated to a medical exemption and not be talking about our religious exemption.”
The outcry for religious exemptions that put other people’s happiness and lives at risk is why we need to keep highlighting that our constitutional rights grant us freedom from religion. Nobody’s grandma should have to die because a Christian wanted God to see their face. If the guy can see through all time and space, he can see your damn face through a square of cotton just fine. Or even better, he should cancel the pandemic so we can all take our masks off.
This pleases me:
For the love of Sagan, please shut preacher Sean Feucht (below) down before his upcoming super-spreader event at the National Mall, which is expected to attract 15,000 people (so he says). You may remember Feucht (rhymes with “exploit,” as people on Twitter have said) as the egomaniac worship leader who “protested” (read: held a concert) at the courthouse in Nashville for nearly 10,000 maskless Christians. We’re hoping Washington D.C. doesn’t make the same mistake Nashville did, by seeking an investigation into health violations after the fact.
The Daily Beast obtained a copy of the event permit, which claims the organizers have a “COVID-19 Mitigation Plan,” such as sanitization routines and temperature checks. Riiiight. I repeat, THOUSANDS of people are expected to attend.
Ken Ham’s Ark Encounter is feeling the weight of the pandemic, as we all are. Public records show the 7th straight month of attendance decrease at the Kentucky biblical theme park. We’ve never been shy about our opposition to Ark Encounter — it’s a shrine to ignorance and an illegal tax drain on the city of Williamstown — but we do feel for those employed by the Ark.
The judgment of white evangelicals isn’t just bad. It’s uniquely awful.
If you’ve ever watched the Duggars’ reality show, 19 Kids and Counting, you were probably rooting for at least a couple of the kids to grow up and break free of their restrictive conservative Christian brainwashing. Jill Dillard is the most prominent Duggar child so far to satisfy that itch.
Jill’s becoming her own person, as she tells People magazine, “She’s gotten a nose ring, enjoyed the occasional cocktail or glass of wine, worn (a strict no-no for Duggar women, who don long dresses or skirts only) and even modeled modest swimwear.” Sadly, her choices have created strain in her relationship with her parents.A federal judge has ruled Virginia’s Riverside Regional Jail violated the Establishment Clause with its special treatment of Christianity, allowing for a “God Pod,” a privileged jail cell, with a microwave and other upgrades, for inmates who “study Biblical principles.” Muslim inmates in the same government-run prison reported a much less accommodating experience when they asked for their basic religious needs to be met, such as access to the Qur’an and modified meal plans for Ramadan.
National Litigation Director Lena Masri of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) spoke after the ruling:
“We welcome the Virginia federal court’s ruling and hope that it will serve as a reminder to correctional facilities nationwide that are operating God Pods of their own that it is a clear violation of the Establishment Clause to officially endorse Christianity over all other religious faiths.”
We’ll just leave this here:
Question: Should states be allowed to execute women who have an abortion? Amy Coney Barrett: My answer is not "no."NEW In a written follow up, Judge Barrett declined to answer whether abortion should be punishable by death. Today, the Senate Judiciary committee is expected to vote on Judge Barrett to the Supreme Court. Questions from @SenWhitehouse: Smith @byKateSmithWe’ve put together a tribute to James “The Amazing” Randi, including memories and photos from those who knew him best.
Finally, here’s a video I made explaining the Christian group One Million Moms… which is really One Angry Mom Who Has a Lot of Time on Her Hands.