Satanists Take Boston to Court Over Invocation Exclusion
If you want invocations, get ready for non-Christian ones.
Yesterday we praised the City of Boston for rejecting Christian nationalist group Camp Constitution’s request to fly a Christian flag outside City Hall, a decision upheld by an appellate court. Today we’re far less enthused with Boston after learning The Satanic Temple has filed a lawsuit against the city for denying them the opportunity to give an invocation prayer during city council meetings— an opportunity that has been wide open to followers of Abrahamic religions.
As the Constitution makes clear, it’s all or none when it comes to religious displays like that. If they don’t want to hear the Satanists, they should eliminate the invocations completely.
The COVID pandemic has strengthened the faith of 28% of U.S. believers, according to a new study by Pew Research Center.
LifeWay Research released a study showing that 49% of Protestant pastors have heard conspiracy theories circulating among their members. The trend is higher in larger churches with white male pastors. The question now becomes what they plan to do about it. Will they purge their members of conspiracists… or would that hurt their own bottom line?
David Barton instructs other bigots on how to deflect confrontation using Jedi mind tricks he learned in the 2nd grade.
Christian blogger Lori Alexander beats her kids with a wooden spoon and thinks you should, too.
It’s crucial, mothers, to train your children to obey you from a young age. When you train them to obey you IMMEDIATELY, you are teaching them discipline and self-control…
… The first and only battle happened around the age of two with all of them. They wanted their way, and they refused to obey us. We stood our ground and insisted they obey. No, we never abused our children as many slanderously accuse us. We did spank our children at times but never in an abusive way. (Wooden spoons on the bottom or thigh works great!) Not one of them would say that they were ever abused.
In that first battle, we always won. God commands that children obey their parents, and it’s the parents’ responsibility to enforce this command. We were diligent to do this from the get-go. After that first battle, the children knew we meant business and obeyed us quickly. Child raising was easy because of this. Some of our friends thought we were too strict, as we watched their children win battle after battle and grow up to lack discipline and turn rebellious.
It’s heartbreaking to imagine an adult expressing her impatience by hitting toddlers, who probably aren’t learning about consequences as deeply as they’re conflating pain and obedience with love.
You’re going to want to read this interview from secular activist extraordinaire Sarah Levin with Texas State Rep. Jon Rosenthal:
It’s time conservative Christians face the facts: Not only does Joe Biden’s platform align with the values they supposedly stand for, he’s doing more on their issues than Donald Trump ever did. If only they’d set aside the fear-mongering over “religious persecution” and accept that falling out of preference is not marginalization, they’d see that Biden’s polices of caring for and advancing all people demonstrates true “pro-life” ethics.