Pharmacist Who Destroyed Vaccines Believes the Sky is a Shield from God
This guy collects conspiracy theories like they're Pokemon.
Surprise, surprise: The pharmacist who was charged with destroying hundreds of doses of COVID vaccines because he believed they would “alter the recipient’s DNA” is a loyal subscriber to the Conspiracy of the Month club. Besides believing COVID is a hoax, Steven Brandenburg also believes Earth is flat and the sky is a shield installed by the government to prevent us from seeing Heaven.
Ten years ago today, Liberty University gifted us this salacious headline, with a sub-head to boot.
The once anti-LGBTQ dating platform eHarmony has come a long way from their conservative Christian founding, seeing how they’re now pissing off One Million Moms’ Monica Cole. eHarmony’s latest ad allegedly “brainwashes children and adults,” according to Cole, who believes lesbians sharing a pint of ice cream will give everyone who watches it a gay sweet tooth.
Kate Cohen wrote an essay in the Washington Post pointing out how Amanda Gorman’s inauguration poem did for the country what the preachers who stepped up to the same microphone couldn’t: unite the country using powerful language that incited inspiration and hope without being overtly religious.
… Delivered with clarity and conviction, it enlisted scripture both biblical (Micah) and theatrical (Miranda). It acknowledged the darkness that surrounds us and called on us to press on, to face the many tasks that remain to us as Americans:
“When day comes, we step out of the shade / Aflame and unafraid / The new dawn blooms as we free it / For there is always light / If only we’re brave enough to see it / If only we’re brave enough to be it.”
Gorman’s poem didn’t mention God. But in its incantatory power and its grandeur of vision, in speaking to and for each of us congregated in that moment, it was a prayer indeed.
A co-founder of the Congressional Freethought Caucus just
Here’s some encouraging news: Conservative activist and QAnon follower DeAnna Lorraine is voicing her doubts in “The Plan.”
“I, for one, I’m sick of just looking at clues and taking guesses and kind of following down a rabbit hole where it leads to nothing, and there’s just a lot of broken promises that are not delivered.”
Finally tonight, this 2018 clip from The Young Turks is making the rounds again and you should take a minute to watch Ana Kasparian just go off: