Pastor Who Can't Explain Pandemics Denies We're in a Pandemic
What an embarrassing interview for the dumbest pastor in America.
Christian hate-preacher Greg Locke appeared in a CNN segment to explain why he’s opposed to COVID restrictions and mask mandates, but his entire argument fell apart when he couldn’t answer a simple follow-up question to his denial of the pandemic.
The reporter repeatedly asked Locke to define a pandemic. He couldn’t do it.In Wilson County, Tennessee, conservative pastor Greg Locke resists wearing a mask and has no plans to take a Covid-19 vaccine. "There's no pandemic," he tells @elspethreeve. "I'm 44 years old. We've not had one in my lifetime... this is not it," he adds.
A gay christian who suppresses his sexuality to please Jesus is upset because Elliot Page received positive press for coming out as transgender, while nobody in Hollywood wants to work with him.
… My closest, lifelong friends completely abandoned me, and my production-design agency in Hollywood dropped me like a hot potato under the most vague and frivolous of pretexts — even though I was one of their top artists, earning them loads of money over the years. Of course, if my memoir had been a celebration of my gay identity, I would’ve had advertising and editorial clients beating down my door with even more job offers.
In stark contrast to Elliot Page, who only gained approval and favor from celebrities and politicians, I lost both dear friends and my livelihood.
There are plenty of Christians in Hollywood. But no one wants to work with a jerk. This has nothing to do with his religion and everything to do with his attitude.
California Pastor Mike McClure has ignored repeated COVID safety violation warnings for holding in-person services and now he’s racking up fines. At a rate of $2,500 a day, McClure’s Calvary Church is now $55,000 in the hole and counting. But McClure doesn’t care that he’s being held in contempt of court.
“I respect the judge and I respect what the law says,” McClure said. “But there’s a bigger law. I have to get told, you follow God or you follow man. I have to follow what God’s word says.”
Before you read on, I’d like to reassure you that the year is 2020 — it will forever be 2020 — and you did not fall into a time warp.
The city of Murdock, Minnesota has approved a permit for a whites-only church.
Nathan Skates of Liberty University’s Falkirk Center said that if any Black people can succeed, then systemic racism doesn’t exist. In other news, these same Christians believe that having a Black friend must mean you’re not racist.
Former Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann is highly offended, insulted, and angry that Satan stole her vote. (This Satan seems like a very powerful dude to be dominating God’s Will with such ease.)
The South Korean government is considering charging American Rev. Dr. Eric Foley for sending Bible-carrying balloons over the border to North Korea. Never mind that possessing a Bible could get someone killed in North Korea, exchanges between the two countries have to be government-approved and can create a national threat.
She's Christian except for all the Jesus stuff.
Jerry Falwell, Jr. dropped his lawsuit against Liberty University for allegedly damaging his reputation, which was probably the best thing Falwell has ever done for his reputation.
Not a cult at all.
In past years, the Wisconsin State Capitol has been the host an amusing assortment of holiday displays. The rule goes: If you allow one religious display, you have to allow them all. Because of COVID, however, the capitol was supposed to be taking the year off from the indoor holiday attraction… but that didn’t stop two Republicans from sneaking in one very Christian display.
The only God we believe in is back after being Twitter-hacked.
Finally, happy birthday to my colleague Tracey! This newsletter wouldn’t be possible without her!