Mystery Monolith Vandalized and Replaced With Cross
If it was aliens in search of intelligent life, they went home disappointed.
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A group of MAGA-clad young men knocked down one of the mysterious monoliths that have appeared on public land and replaced it with a plywood cross. They can be heard chanting “Christ is King” in the video, and one particularly Christ-like guy can be heard saying, “Christ is king in this country. We don’t want illegal aliens from Mexico or outer space, so let’s tear this bitch down.” (Still trying to find the Bible verse for that one.)
It is so 2020 America for hate and ugliness to stomp out the little bit of fun we were offered by a guerrilla art installation.
There are Christians out there who have made it their job to cruise television looking for something to be offended by, and this week, Media Research Center’s Lindsay Kornick found it on an episode of the CBS sitcom Young Sheldon. “Smug atheist” Sheldon compares God to an invisible monkey in a conversation with his sister where he explains how the burden of proof works. That’s it. If a 58-second dialogue between two fictional children is a perceived threat to your religion, maybe your religion isn’t as strong as you think it is.
The one thing hate-Pastor Greg Locke enjoys more than attention from CNN is trashing the entire network before the segment even airs.
Back in March, Pastor Steven Andrew blamed COVID on gay people. Now he’s back with his distinctively gentle demeanor to reassure us that “… people following Joe Biden are cursed. If you want to be cursed, then go ahead and defend Joe Biden and the Devil.”
Robert K. Vischer wrote an incredibly lucid piece for Religion News Service on how Eric Metaxas, author and pro-Trump evangelical, is a symbol for the loss of the evangelical mind.
How should Christians committed to thoughtful cultural engagement respond? When QAnon followers populate our church pews, how do we avoid losing hope for the Christian principle of integrating faith and reason?
Evangelicals’ complicated relationship with conspiracy theories is probably not reducible to a single explanation, but reasons suggest themselves. A generation of evangelicals has been influenced by the wildly popular “Left Behind” series — end-times novels that used news headlines to fantasize about shady global networks. Conspiracy theories may appeal to white evangelicals as a way to make sense of a country that is less like them: less white, less rural, less old and less socially conservative.
When the world sees Christians as gullible, naïve and unwilling to do the hard work of critically evaluating information, we lose credibility on everything — including our assertions about the historical veracity of the gospel. When we post a meme about Dr. Anthony Fauci or Bill Gates plotting to distribute the mark of the beast through a vaccine, our following post about eyewitness testimony regarding the life of Jesus will get the same response as the first: This person is not trustworthy on questions that matter.
We have one more (sad) election update: This tweet marked the official loss for Dr. Nancy Goroff, a self-described secular Jew who would have been the first female Ph.D. in Congress :(
BREAKING: Republican Lee Zeldin wins reelection to U.S. House in New York's 1st Congressional District. #APracecall at 11:40 a.m. EST. #Election2020 #NYelectionChristian mommy blogger Lori Alexander (a.k.a. “The Transformed Wife” ) went on an anti-feminist rant after seeing the latest illustrated cover of The New Yorker, which features a woman on a zoom call, fancy from the waist up, and all the markings of someone barely holding things together outside of the camera’s view.
Apparently, that’s a clear sign that women — all of them — should be housewives.… Many women no longer are good housekeepers. Instead of nurturing babies, they are nurturing cats. They find their escape through alcohol. However, when it comes to searching for love, they can put on a beautiful face, a nice hairdo, pretty top, and a friendly smile.
They have been told their entire lives that their goals in life should be to search for all of the pleasure they can find while pursuing a college education and a career where they are taught Marxist feminism (which is complete rebellion against the Lord and His ways). In this way, they will find value, worth, and satisfaction. By the time they are hitting their late 30s, they aren’t so sure about the goals they were taught to seek. With a cluttered home, only cats to cuddle with, and a cold screen to stare at with a drink in their hand, they are finding that their lives are more empty and meaningless rather than fulfilling.
What she’s doing isn’t difficult. Look, I can also obtusely summarize a lifestyle I don’t personally value!
… Many women no longer are good feminists. Instead of nurturing ambitions, they are nurturing crying babies. They find their escape through Lifetime movies. However, when it comes to searching for love, they can put on a beautiful face, a nice hairdo, pretty top, a forced smile, and go to church.
They have been told their entire lives that their goals in life should be to search for all of the punishment and self-deprecation they can find while pursuing a relationship with Jesus and a husband who will teach them to be submissive (which is complete rebellion against feminist ways). In this way, they will find value, worth, and satisfaction. By the time they are hitting their late 30s, they aren’t so sure about the goals they were taught to seek. With a perfectly clean home, only ungrateful brats to cuddle, and a cold husband to talk to with another positive pregnancy test in their hand, they are finding that their lives are more empty and meaningless rather than fulfilling.
I’ll admit, the cover illustration is a little over-the-top messy — but I fail to see how Jesus is going to help the situation unless he’s bringing a vacuum.What is going on in churches lately? Come for the Bible lesson on unicorns. Stay for the Rothschilds.
Pastor Sam Rohrer is calling it: The election being allegedly stolen from Trump is “spiritual warfare at the highest levels” and a sign of the End Times. Lord, if the End Times means us heretics get seven years without your people, we’ve never been more ready.
Finally, some positive news!
BREAKING: We can confirm that a vote for the adoption of #HRes512—which calls for a global end to blasphemy, heresy, and apostasy laws—by the US House of Representatives will take place on Monday, December 7. #EndBlasphemyLawsIf this bill passes now, it could also pass in the next Congress, when it will have a better chance of becoming law.