Mormon Lawmaker Opposes Masks Because They Injure "Our Souls"
She's in office. Why aren't you running yet?
A nine-year-old Sri Lankan girl is dead after her mother sought an exorcism from the neighbor lady. The neighborhood “exorcist” put oil on the girl and then viciously beat her with a cane until she was unconscious. She was later pronounced dead at the hospital. Both women involved in the superstition-turned-murder are in police custody.
Some of you may be wondering what the “moral failure” was that led Christian apologist Sye Ten Bruggencate to abruptly leave his ministry. Reporter Julie Roys got a response from the elders overseeing him:
In a statement to The Roys Report, Faith Presbyterian pastor Steve Richardson said that Bruggencate confessed a “troubling circumstance” to the church on Sunday, involving Bruggencate and a congregation member. The situation happened in the past and is not ongoing, Richardson said.
After a 48-hour investigation, the church had “ample cause” to ask Bruggencate to step away from ministry and cease taking the Lord’s Supper, said Richardson. The church’s inquiry will continue.
I’m just sayin’…
Anytime you hear a layman utter the phrase “I’ve done research,” what they’re really saying is “I Googled around until I found a citation that supports my presupposition.”
Idaho State Rep. Karey Hanks demonstrates the above point by presenting her findings that mask-wearing causes “physical and emotional and even the mental injury to our bodies — and possibly even our souls.”
It’s notable that we’ve not heard of these mask-related injuries from the very people who are qualified to speak on it and who have been wearing masks daily since long before the pandemic struck: medical professionals.
Now that the ye olde practice of ousting shitty people from society has been rebranded as “cancel culture,” former Colorado state legislator Gordon Klingenschmitt wants his slice of pity pie 15 years after he was fired from his military chaplain gig for aggressively proselytizing at funeral services.
… 15 years ago, my Navy Chaplain career was ‘canceled’ by easily offended Pharisees who hated any public prayer ending “in Jesus’ name.” I was canceled before it became cool. But I can’t think of a single person offended by Dr. Seuss. Seriously?
Right-wing pastor Shane Vaughn just likened Donald Trump to God and all the MAGA cultists who support him to John the Baptist. How do they plan to prepare for the return of Trump as John the Baptist prepared the way for the Lord? Voter suppression, of course!
We’ve seen a lot of Pastafarians (members of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster) win their legal challenges to wear the official religious headgear, a pasta strainer, in their driver’s license photos over the years. Sadly, the latest challenge made by Canadian ordained Pastafarian minister Gary Smith was not among the wins.
Finally, I’ll just leave this here: