GOP Senator Opposes Voting Rights to Appease the Christian God
Cindy Hyde-Smith couldn't even cite the right Bible verse.
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If Senator Ted Cruz could persuade his God who “loves and cares” for us to stop allowing maniacal men to open fire on innocent people, maybe Democrats wouldn’t draw attention to the political inaction he calls prayer.
The Culpeper County Circuit Court in Virginia is having a special election to replace the retiring Court Clerk. The local Chamber of Commerce held a virtual Q&A with two candidates— Carson Beard, an independent who speaks articulately and understands the role he wants to fill… and Marshall Keene, a Republican who wasted no time blowing his Christian Nationalist dog whistle with, “The first order of business is we’re going to put ‘In God We Trust’ on all stationary and signage.”
Utah now has now passed a law to block adult content on phones… without parental approval. It’s not going into effect just yet, but the First Amendment issues are already apparent.
The Republican Party wants you to know they oppose porn as they're led by a guy who illegally paid off an actress known for porn for sex he had with her as his third wife was nursing their only child.Utah governor signs legislation requiring porn filters on cellphones, tablets Hill @thehillAccused child sex abuser Michael Jackson still needs an attorney for the legal trouble that followed him into the afterlife, so he hired a random guy from Earth who’s not a lawyer.
Franklin Graham’s followers are none too pleased about his endorsement of the COVID vaccine. But then again, he got exactly the responses he should have expected from the very people he groomed to be ignorant and distrusting of progress.
Christian mommy blogger Lori Alexander, who can’t conceive of any families that don’t resemble her own, wants to take us all back to the 1970s, when times were simpler and women didn’t need to work.
Finally, the latest GOP attempt to disenfranchise left-leaning voters: banning voting on Sundays, a day of the week many Black churches hold an event call “Souls to the Polls” and make a group event of voting. Mississippi Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith spoke out in a Senate hearing saying Sunday voting should not be allowed so we may “Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy”— because God hates when people do things on Sunday besides go to church and then lie in a vegetative state.