God Didn't Create the Vaccines, So Don't Give Him Credit
Do the world a favor and thank a scientist instead.
Have you ever wondered: Where are the Christian leaders who call out political nonsense and hypocritical right-wing preachers? Well, enjoy this clip of Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II calling evangelicalism (as practiced by the Religious Right) a “form of heresy.”
.@RevDrBarber blasts white evangelicals' obsession with abortion and homosexuality over Jesus' Gospel lessons on helping the least among us: "If we were in the ancient world, we would have had a Nicaean council by now and declared white evangelicalism a form of heresy."Think about all the scientists who developed a COVID vaccine, then tested that vaccine, then got approval for the vaccine by panels of experts. Then think about the medical professionals who, after dealing with COVID patients all year, are now immunizing people and protecting us all.
Then think about the arrogance it takes for Christians to thank God for giving us the cure… for a virus that person presumably thinks God also created. Because that’s what Pastor Robert Jeffress did this morning.I suppose we should be grateful he’s encouraging people to get the vaccine…
This one is troubling: Two men, one younger and one older, were roommates in a California hospital. Both had COVID. When the older man prayed, it apparently angered the younger man so much that he bludgeoned the older man with an oxygen tank, killing him. Just an awful story all around. We have no understanding yet of why the younger man reacted like this.
A Canadian pastor who held worship services despite a local order prohibiting public gatherings that large is very upset that he’s being held accountable for his actions.
Finally, next year, we all deserve two Christmases.