Creationist Says God Gave Us Nasal Bones to Hold Up Glasses
You won't need glasses to see through this nonsense.
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Pastor E.W. Jackson:
I’m not gonna get the coronavirus! I’m not gonna give anybody the coronavirus! Cause I can’t get it, because I talked to God about it, and I’ve taken my vaccine — my vaccine is Psalm 91 — and I am FREE from that mess!
Don’t say we didn’t warn you about Madison Cawthorn, the 25-year-old MAGA super creep who was running for a congressional seat in North Carolina. Despite 176 of his former Christian college classmates signing a petition warning Christians not to vote for him, he managed to win his seat.
Not that he was cautious to avoid offending people before, but Cawthorn has now told a reporter for Jewish Insider about his attempts to convert Jews, and how it was really hard when the Jews were religious Jews. Which I’m sure sits well with that publication’s readership.
If you needed more context behind this guy’s appeal to the Jewish community, just remember he’s the guy who said visiting Hitler’s former vacation home was a “bucket list” vacation spot.The atheist charity Foundation Beyond Belief is giving away a $150,000 grant (over 3 years) to a group addressing "critical community problems through evidence-based and culturally responsible social innovations." (Who says atheists can’t be charitable?!)
Details and an application for prospective groups can be found here.You’re going to want to buy stock in tin foil after hearing this one.
Christian Right activist and conspiracy theorist Mark Taylor, who has a very casual relationship with reality, thinks he’s decoded that Joe Biden is Satan and “the vaccine” is conspiracy-speak for the military coming to arrest Joe Biden.
Summarizing this lunacy doesn’t do it justice, so please listen for yourself.You’ve got to applaud the Creationists, who have shamelessly imagined an absurd biblical explanation for everything— like why humans have a nasal bone.
Answers in Genesis’ Dr. Jennifer Rivera enlightens us:
… We also can look at the nasal bone right here. God designed humans very specifically, with this nasal bone, because He knew, because of sin, we’d be wearing glasses and contacts, right? So this helps hold our glasses. Primates have no need to wear glasses, so they were not created with that bone there.
You’re probably wondering what the “Dr.” in front of Rivera’s name is all about, so I looked into it. She has a doctorate in education from Liberty University. Whatever you think that qualifies her to do, it does not grant her chops to be speaking on evolutionary biology with any real authority.
I would also like to know why we would need a nasal bone for contacts...You like drama? We got drama for you.
A Chicago shock-jock radio personality and his station announced today they were parting ways. There’s nothing all too surprising there. It happens all the time.
But that same shock-jock is now blaming a famous megachurch pastor for his own downfall. It’s possible we’ll see lawsuits in the future.
And if you’re not already familiar with this story, you’re going to want to read up on this pastor… Get the popcorn ready.Donald Trump’s “spiritual adviser” Paula White said KKK, Antifa, and Black Lives Matter are all “anti-Christ and even terrorist organizations,” meaning we finally agree with 1/3 of something she said.
Writer and historian Peter Manseau, who serves as Curator of American Religious History for the Smithsonian, has written a book on the history of The Jefferson Bible. As you may know, Thomas Jefferson famously snipped out all mentions of miracles and the supernatural from a copy of the Bible, amusing atheists for decades to come.
Why did he do it? You can read an excerpt of The Jefferson Bible: A Biography here.