Creationist Says $3 Billion Mars Mission Should Have Been Spent Disproving Evolution
That's not how science works.
Creationist Ken Ham is bent out of shape that NASA spent $3 billion on Perseverance, the latest Mars rover. How does Ham believe that money could have been better spent? On finding evidence that doesn’t exist, of course.
NASA is spending three billion dollars, primarily to see if there was once life on Mars. What an impact there might be if that three billion dollars was spent to show people life on earth could never have evolved by natural processes and that the very first verse of the Bible is confirmed by science: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). Spending three billion dollars to proclaim God’s Word and the gospel has eternal value as every human soul will live forever in heaven or hell.
Ken Ham has spent his entire life hopelessly trying to commandeer science to prove a storybook. To paraphrase a line Christians ofter say about atheists, you’ve got to wonder if his persistence is a smoke screen for his doubts.
Atheists and other Nones moved decisively in the direction of Democrats since 2016. We are becoming a key part of the Democratic base. Candidates should start acting like it.
California’s Hoag Memorial Hospital sought to dissolve its affiliation with a Catholic hospital chain, Providence Health, due to the dogmatic restrictions Providence put on medical procedures such as abortion and death with dignity. Hoag claims in a lawsuit that Providence is retaliating against them for trying to part ways, unfairly harming patients by dropping in-network specialists and by demanding Hoag pay an astronomical ransom to end ties.
Since he's trending for science-related reasons again, a reminder that MC Hammer is not a friend of science:
Canadian pastors are so determined to put lives in danger by ignoring COVID restrictions and packing their churches, they’re even willing to be fined or jailed for it.
Pastor James Coates was in police custody for over a week for contravening public health requirements. His lawyer, James Kitchen, slathered on the martyrdom in a statement to reporters.
“His first obedience is to his Lord, is to his God. And normally, obeying Jesus and obeying the government go right in hand,” James Kitchen said. “The government’s forcing him in to a position where he has to choose between disobeying God and obeying government, or obeying God and disobeying government.“
Cue an American pastor lauding Coates with an undertone of pleasure from the perceived persecution:
Pastor Greg Fairrington says that churches being closed because of COVID-19 "has never been about a virus" but is instead "a social experiment" by the government to persecute Christians. He also says, "If you think it's going to end when the virus ends, you're wrong."Pastor Tim Stephens of Calgary’s Fairview Baptist Church, who flouts the rules even though he’s been fined, issued a press release defending his church for ignoring health orders as a way to prevent people from … watching porn.
We understand the dangers of COVID-19 but we also understand the dangers of policies that seek to reduce the spread of the virus. All must admit that the lockdowns and restrictions have been damaging. Depression and other mental and behavioral issues due to isolation, increased drug use, increased suicide, pornography, economic devastation, small businesses lost, and many other hardships causes our hearts to break for the people suffering.
Mental health is a very serious concern, but killing people with a virus isn’t the only cure for loneliness. He could at least make an effort to protect his congregation by having drive-in or online services.
While televangelist Frank Amedia is acknowledging Joe Biden won the election, he seems to be way off base about who decided the outcome of said election— voters, not God. Amedia blamed Donald Trump for his own loss, saying he hogged all the glory for himself and didn’t give enough praise to God on Twitter.
Finally, the Republican senator who can't stop quoting the Bible would've hated Jesus.