Christians Storm Native American Burial Site to Pray Away "Dark Energy"
How would they feel if strangers invaded their church?
The God’s Not Dead franchise is back for a fourth go at milking the Christian persecution cash cow. The latest installment, titled God’s Not Dead: We the People, begins filming in Oklahoma next month. But you don’t need to wait until it premieres to know exactly how it’ll end. (Spoiler: Whatever you’re predicting is accurate.)
Blasphemers rejoice! The Senate has passed a resolution 386-3 calling for the “global repeal of blasphemy, heresy, and apostasy laws.” Hopefully we can now encourage other countries to follow suit.
Right-wing Christian activist Dave Daubenmire took a group of Christians to Great Serpent Mound, a sacred Native American burial site in Ohio, on the Winter Solstice, to pray against “dark energy” — in other words, to bully and punch down at a race of people who have already suffered more than enough.
The term “Values Voters” is changing with the times and Secular Americans are leading the way.
Georgia Christians who vote for “clowns” Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff “might as well spit in Jesus’ face,” says a right-wing radio host who thinks parents should lose custody of their kids if they take them to the library for Drag Queen Story Hour.
Scientific reasoning hasn’t been successful at putting Ken Ham’s Ark Encounter out of business, but the pandemic is sure doing a number on them.
In under 24 hours, Pat Robertson went from making a lot of sense... to remembering that he's Pat Robertson.
Who’s going to tell pastor Rick Scarborough about St. Nicholas, a figure in his very own religious history?
Finally. in a preview of a story we have coming up tomorrow, former GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter was convicted last year for using campaign contributions to fund his personal desires. He got away with it, in part, by saying he and his wife were using the cash for religious purposes. Hunter was about to serve 11 months in prison.
But earlier tonight, Trump pardoned him.