Atheist Parent and Child Doxxed After Exposing Proselytizing Teacher
No one should have to go through this.
Our little experiment with the Friendly Atheist newsletter is finally taking shape. We’re listening to your feedback and figuring out what works well for us (your newsletter authors). It seems that most readers we’ve spoken to would prefer a once-a-week newsletter that includes more content (as opposed to more frequent, smaller newsletters). So beginning next week, we’re going to switch to that format. Consider it your weekend reading, coming to you on a Friday night!
In addition, that newsletter will only be available to paying subscribers, HOWEVER, we don’t want to shut anyone out over an inability to pay! We appreciate you and understand pandemic times are hard. If you want to continue receiving the paid version of the newsletter, just send Hemant a short message at with your email address and we’ll give you a one-year gift subscription—no explanation needed :) (As always, the content will still be available for free via
Thank you for bearing with us as we experiment with this format and work to deliver an informative and hopefully entertaining digest of news!
State Rep. Bruce Griffey of Tennessee has introduced a bill that would ban “materials that promote, normalize, support, or address lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) issues or lifestyles” from public schools statewide. He thought he was being sly with the remark that “the promotion of LGBT issues and lifestyles should be subject to the same restrictions and limitations placed on the teaching of religion in public schools.” Only religion isn’t banned from being taught in public schools, it’s banned from being promoted (like in the next story…)
Unfortunately, “Do No Harm” no longer applies in Arkansas. The Republican governor just signed a bill letting Christian healthcare workers refuse to care for LGBTQ patients. We wrote about this bill just a few days ago.
Last week we told you about a West Virginia middle school health teacher who was secretly recorded proselytizing to students in what should have been a sex education class. The Freedom From Religion Foundation sent a letter to the school warning them of an impending legal challenge if they didn’t shut it down. That should have been that.
Well it wasn’t, and now the small town has turned against the parent of the child who outed the Bible-thumping teacher.Catholic priest Dr. Tom Doyle addressed New Zealand’s Royal Commission into Abuse in Care regarding the Church’s history of chid sex abuse. He held no punches on who’s to blame for the crimes: Not the individual priests, but the institution as a whole.
He said the reputation of the priesthood allowed clerics to become trusted and immersed with families, which led to the grooming process of young people.
“The seduction process of the youthful victims, who often don’t even know what is happening. They have been raised to believe priests don’t sin.”
He said in every case he knew of over the past 35 years, the victims had been stunned by what had happened, and it was then the priest played on his power.
“[They] say to a child ‘do not tell anyone because that would be a sin. You don’t want to hurt the church, you don’t want to hurt me. And if you do tell anyone, God will be very unhappy‘.”
Robert E. Lee High School in Florida has been under consideration for a name change for obvious reasons, yet it’s unsurprising, given the amount of racists in our country, that the community hearings on the topic have been contentious. Check out one guy who practically endorsed slavery using the Bible as Exhibit A.
Pastor Robert Jeffress defended anti-LGBTQ Oral Roberts University by saying it was intolerant to oppose those who are intolerant. (At what point does the irony rip a hole in the fabric of spacetime?)
Finally, I’ll need someone to explain Christianity to me.